Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Stretch Your Hips In These 5 Ways

Even for people who never work out, hip flexors can be a sore point. They basically help us in any and all movement that we do. Walking, squatting, running, climbing, and even sitting, hip flexors play their own part. Precisely why it is so important to stretch them so as to not bruise or worse, injure them. All one needs to do are the following 5 stretches.

Lunging Hip Stretch 

Stand straight and take a deep breath first. Then, put your left foot forward making a 90-degree angle with your knee. Ensure that the knee doesn’t go beyond the toe. Now, push your hips in deeper, while maintaining the poise. To go deeper, you can also raise your chest and have your glutes contracted. Hold this pose for about 30 seconds and then change legs.

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