Friday, December 13, 2019

10 foods that significantly help with bloated stomach

Gastric flatulence (bloated stomach) usually does not indicate a serious health condition, but it can certainly make you feel uncomfortable and prevent you from carrying out your daily activities.
You must have been in a situation where an important event awaits, you already planned to appear in your favourite dress or favourite tight jeans that perfectly accentuate your figure, but due to bloating of your stomach, you do not have enough confidence to wear them.
Find out which foods can naturally help you get rid of this unpleasant gastrointestinal problem.


Yogurt is one of the foods that help with bloating of the stomach. This tasty dairy product contains a certain dose of probiotics, or “good” bacteria, which help digestion and thus reduce the feeling of bloating. You can consume it without supplements or combine it with blueberries, strawberries, bananas, figs, grapes, watermelon, nuts, whose flaxseed …

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