Saturday, January 4, 2020

HPV – The Most Common Sexually Transmitted Disease


HPV – The Most Common Sexually Transmitted Disease

HPV ( Human Papilloma Virus ) is one of the most common causes of infection that is transmitted through sexual intercourse. So often it appears that all sexually active men and women receive it at least once in a lifetime. It occurs especially for anyone who does not use adequate protection, or changes sex partners frequently.
The HPV virus attacks everyone, regardless of age and gender.
There are many types of this virus, some of which can cause serious health problems. Fighting the HPV virus is not easy and it can be a very stressful process.
Given that, it attacks the most sensitive parts of the body, many patients do not talk and do not take any action to solve this problem. It is certainly not a solution, because waiting can endanger the overall health of people, not only the victims.
HPV is a virus that causes people to develop infections. The main and most common way of transmitting the virus is sexual contact, that is, it is transmitted through the genitals, without the use of protection. The virus can spread to the anal aperture, lips and throat.

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